For an auditor, process mining can make their work much more efficient, since it can automate and support many checks they need to make. But it can also allow them to test all cases, instead of only samples.
Youri Soons has been working as an IT auditor for the Dutch National Auditing Service for more than 5 years. Four years ago, he learned about process mining during a presentation from a colleague at the Ministry of Infrastructure & Environment.
Youri was fascinated by the fact that with a push of a button you could gain insight into a big pile of data and shows how they now deploy process mining in their own assurance-based audit approach. Process mining makes it possible to find abnormalities in a process. For example, one can determine whether steps are skipped or whether the segregation of duties is broken. As a result, auditors are able to focus on these exceptions.
During his master studies at Eindhoven University of Technology, Tijn developed a framework for conducting process mining projects. He introduces his framework, and tells how he implemented it at a project for the Rabobank.
As a consultant for CKM Advisors in New York City, Lalit delivers projects for clients, mainly in the financial industry. A lot of their projects have a strong focus on data science, and process mining fits perfectly into this approach.
Philipp tells us how he introduced process mining to analyze the world's largest purchasing process at Volkswagen with Process Mining. He emphasizes the responsibility of the analyst to take all the context information into account.
Mitch works as a business analyst at Suncorp, one of Australia's largest insurance companies. He talks about how they integrated process mining into their practice and their organization, the challenges they faced, and the value that they could realize.
As a business consultant, Walter is always looking for new and exciting ways to deliver value to his customers. He found the perfect tool with Process Mining in a project for a security company, where he could give new answers to pressing questions.
Wil gives an overview about the history of Process Mining. How can it be placed in the larger context of BPM and machine learning research, how did it all get started, and what were the major developments since then?
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