Process Mining Camp is where professionals gather to learn from their peers. Since 2012, process miners from around the world have come together at camp to focus exclusively on the practical application of process mining.
This year, we turn up the heat for two intense, fully packed days. You will have more time and opportunity than ever to advance your skillset, share your own experience, and to meet old and new friends.
If you are serious about process mining, camp is the only place where you really get to know your fellow experts, and immerse yourself in the heart of the community.
Process mining is used by people all around the world, for hundreds of different use cases. At camp, you will meet people who apply process mining in their daily practice. Campers are curious, driven, and nice people who are spearheading process mining initiatives in their organization.
Whether in condensed practice talks, highly interactive workshops, or in our discussion roundtables — at camp you will learn from experts, share knowledge with your fellow campers, and enjoy an inspiring evening among friends.
Expand your process mining knowledge and skills in three intense workshops that fit together perfectly. Go deep, really understand the background, and look at a process mining project from all important angles.
This year's camp will have enough time and opportunity for you to really get to know your fellow campers. You will enjoy even more of the unique, friendly and stimulating atmosphere that makes camp so special.
Thank you all for joining us at this year's camp. We have packed up here for the year, but you can always come visit us in the café!
Hungry for more? We got you covered! Sign up for our camp mailing list to be among the first to find out what's next for camp!
You are not exactly new to process mining. Maybe you have just finished your first big project, or you have been applying process mining all over your organization for years. Where do you go from here, and how can you improve your skill set? This year's Process Mining Camp is designed to answer these questions.
Process mining is not a product that you can buy off the shelf. Its value comes from how it is applied in practice, by you, the process miner. For us, process mining is a craft, one that we all shape and create together every day. We need to hone our skills, invest time and effort into improving our practice, and expand the body of knowledge by sharing with other process mining professionals. At this year's process mining camp, you will immerse yourself in the community for two intense days of sharing and exchanging knowledge with your fellow process miners.
Our practice talks feature selected process mining professionals who are sharing their stories, their findings, and their experience on the stage. Highly condensed and distilled to the essence, these talks always spark interesting questions and conversations, and set the mood for camp.
Following the talks, you will get to know your fellow process miners in small, highly interactive discussion groups. Discuss the problems and questions that you share, exchange the experiences you made, and explore the possibilities that you have discovered. You will expand your knowledge and get inspiration from the stories you hear. But you will also make lasting connections, and leave the day with new friends in the community.
On the second day of camp, we are going to get our hands dirty in three intense workshops. By working on concrete, realistic scenarios, you are going to deepen your knowledge, and expand your skillset, in the fields of data preparation, discovery and analysis, and best practices. Wherever you are in your process mining journey, this day will give you a boost of fresh ideas and new techniques for your daily practice.
This year's Process Mining Camp is tailored to process mining experts, and to those that are on their way there. No self-appointed gurus with wise words, but driven professionals who are eager to advance their knowledge and skill set. It is most of all for those who want to share with, learn from, and connect with their fellow process miners as peers.
In order to make this exchange as open as possible, we need to keep this year's camp small and intimate. We want you to be able to get to know all the other campers, and have meaningful connections and experiences. Be part of a select group of process miners who want to go above and beyond, meet the core of the process mining community, and come join us at this year's Process Mining Camp!
Practice talks are essential to Process Mining Camp. We have asked a number of smart process mining professionals to share their knowledge and experiences with you, no holds barred.
Every talk is condensed and no-nonsense, followed by a frank and open discussion with and among the audience. Camp talks are not a one-way street, but we all want to learn from each other.
BAC is the biggest bank in Central America with its headquarters in Costa Rica. Gerardo and Rafael have been using process mining at BAC with great success, significantly reducing throughput times and increasing closing rates for their processes. At camp, they will share how they use the opportunities identified through process mining to lead organizational improvement initiatives. They will focus on how process mining helps them to establish a data-driven culture across the different business areas.
Gerardo Rodriguez Oviedo has been working at BAC since 2019 and is now Head of Optimization. With his Master's degree in business analytics, he has a solid engineering and data analysis background. Gerardo introduced process mining at BAC together with agile methodologies and six sigma to enhance the company's data-driven culture.
Rafael Herrera Carpio is a Senior Process Engineer with rich experience in strategic planning, data analysis, and project management. He complemented his degree in industrial engineering with lean six sigma black belt and scrum master certifications. Rafael leads improvement initiatives focusing on high-impact opportunities identified through process mining at BAC.
Atlas Copco is the world's leading developer and producer of air compressors. They are also active in vacuum, industrial, and power technology. As a group, it is essential to control the financial processes and understand the impact of deviating from the “standard”.
Lieven Bewaert is a Safety Health Environmental Quality Analyst and used process mining as an internal auditor. Based on the purchasing process he analyzed, he will share his experiences, the approach he took for process mining in an internal audit setting, and the challenges he encountered along the way.
Online Dialog specializes in conversion rate optimization and digital experimentation. They combine data and behavioral psychology to find new strategies for success. Combining their experience in customer behavior analysis with process mining unlocks new potential for growth.
Alexandros Kakakis is an expert in data insights with a background in data science. He analyzes e-commerce websites using tools such as BigQuery and Python. At camp, Alex will demonstrate how he uses process mining to understand the customer journey. He will show how he translates complex behavior maps into actionable results relevant to his clients.
Ghada and Caleb share how their data analytics team supports business audit teams with innovative and automated approaches across various stages of the audit process. Using a medical devices management process as a case study, they will show how process mining helps reduce the risk of issues and anomalies within business processes.
Ghada Zakhama is a Senior Auditor in data analytics in the internal audit team at DHL Group. She joined the company in 2018 after obtaining her Computer Science engineering degree. At DHL, Ghada enjoys the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse and motivated international team.
Caleb Borges is an industrial engineer and has been a Senior Auditor in data analytics within the internal audit team at DHL Group since 2021 when he joined the team after five years of experience in Internal Audit from his previous job in Brazil. Caleb supports the internal audit team with data and IT solutions to improve any internal process of DHL.
OTP Bank Serbia is a large bank with branches all over Serbia. Aljoša is an innovation and technology consultant at OTP Bank. He has been applying process mining on several processes of the bank to explore its benefits.
Disco revealed improvement opportunities for the credit and debit card application process. Following a client's request, the credit and debit cards were sent between different branches. After Aljoša had overcome the data preparation challenges he could investigate workarounds and bottlenecks. His analysis helped to explain behaviors that cause the conformance violations against procedural rules.
Serco has supported the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) since 2013, when the Affordable Care Act was first implemented in the United States. They have been using process mining to help senior leadership make key decisions. The data gained from analyzing various processes has helped identify opportunities for automation, calculate cost vs. benefit metrics, and accurately project future production.
Erik Scroggs is a software engineer and has been working for Serco on the CMS project since it began in 2013. He has spent the last several years developing and refining a system for efficiently allocating tasks to the production workforce. With a keen interest in data science and information systems, he has recently shifted focus from software development to analyzing existing processes to identify opportunities for improving overall efficiency, driving down costs, and increasing production.
In the afternoon, we get interactive — Join us for a discussion roundtable and connect to the community on a deeper level.
In small groups of up to eight people, you will talk about process mining topics such as customer journeys, auditing, Lean Six Sigma, the business case for process mining, data transformations, and security, privacy and ethics.
The goal is not primarily to find solutions, but to share openly and learn from each other. In the interaction with other process miners who have similar backgrounds as you, you can discuss challenges and ideas that deserve further attention.
At the end of the roundtable, each group will share their main insights with the whole community. Afterwards, we take the discussion into more informal terrain, over a relaxed dinner and drinks.
We will then pick up the topics that you focused on in the roundtables, the challenges you raised and the ideas you discussed, to inform and guide our workshops on the second day.
Process mining is an art more than it is a technology. To become an expert, you need to try new approaches, stumble, get back up, and learn from the experience.
There is no fixed sequence of steps you go through. But there are patterns, things an experienced process miner looks out for when they are faced with a new data set. Our workshops are designed to lead you through this experience of applying process mining, recognizing road blocks, and resolving them.
On the second day of camp you are going to attend three workshops. Each of them focuses on a particular aspect of process mining, and they fit together perfectly to give you the complete picture.
Anne RozinatFluxicon
There is a certain magic in watching an experienced process miner approach a new data set. While they apply standard practices like identifying incomplete cases, they also follow their intuition and explore layers of the process in an iteration of discovery, questions, and analysis cycles.
Sure, it takes domain knowledge to identify the standard process and its deviations. But it is also a question of experience to know what to look out for, which questions to ask, and how to break up the "spaghetti processes" — even if you are not familiar with the process at all.
In this workshop, you are going to practice on a real-life data set. Together, we will discover and analyze this data set in multiple phases. We show you standard practices and discuss the results in each phase before going further. There will be time to apply the same approach to multiple data sets, and you can even bring your own data, if you like!
Rudi NiksFluxicon
It is important to accept that your process mining data will not be perfect when you start analyzing it. After all, the vast majority of IT systems were not created with process mining in mind. Recognizing these limitations should not discourage you. Instead, embrace it as an opportunity for getting creative! Learn to navigate the available data and its possibilities.
In this workshop, you are going beyond the fundamentals of process mining, typically centered around case IDs, timestamps, and activity logs. More than just talking about these concepts, you are going to experience them together to gain a better understanding of the associated challenges and explore potential remedies.
To achieve this, you will immerse yourself in a practical case. In multiple steps, you will identify and address issues like faulty and missing data. You will explore techniques for combining event logs from different systems. And you will be stretching the boundaries of the data beyond their original design. We'll also be discussing what the logs of the future might look like, and what steps you can take today to achieve that vision.
Anne RozinatFluxicon
Rudi NiksFluxicon
How do you translate process mining insights into changes in your organization? How do you make sure that the improvements stick? And how do you develop your process mining projects into a routine and general practice? The challenges for process mining are not only about technical skills. You also need to take strategic and cultural factors into account.
There is no simple recipe for what makes process mining successful. But there are a lot of different lessons that can be derived from both successes and from setbacks. By now, we have all been talking about these challenges and our experiences for two days — in the discussion groups, over dinner and drinks, in the breaks, during the workshops. In this last workshop, we take a step back and collect what we have learned.
Together, we are going to make this really practical. We will list what works, what doesn't work and in which situation — and we put it into perspective. You will leave camp with new approaches and patterns that you can apply right away in your future process mining projects.
Are you completely new to process mining? Then we recommend you to join the pre-training boot camp. You will get a crash course on what process mining is all about, so that you can follow the discussions and workshops during the two days.
The boot camp consists of two sessions. The first session takes place online, one week before camp. The second session takes place on Thursday morning, just before camp starts.
You will learn:
During the boot camp, you will learn everything that you need to know to join the camp as a greenhorn. You will be able to follow the discussions, and to apply process mining in practical scenarios, during your camp experience and after.
We only have a limited number of seats available for the boot camp. Sign up now, and make sure you don't miss this opportunity!
Get a quick-start into process mining, from theory to practice, in this condensed training for beginners. (second, in-person session following an online training)
Get your camp t-shirt and your badge, and settle in.
Boosting data-driven culture through process mining.
How to use process mining as an internal auditor.
Customer journeys in e-commerce.
Share your experiences with your fellow campers over a nice cup of coffee.
Reducing the risk of medical device deliveries.
Using process mining to deliver a new credit card on time.
Time to freshen up with a hot beverage of your choice.
Join a small group of process miners who are in a similar field of work, to discuss challenges, explore opportunities, and share new ideas.
Share your ideas and discussions from the roundtables with the rest of us.
Join us for dinner, and grab a drink with your fellow campers.
Find new ways to approach your process, and answer your questions.
Take a load off, and have some food.
Learn how to wrangle your data into shape, and push it further.
Share your experiences with your fellow campers over a nice cup of coffee.
Integrate process mining into your daily practice, and chart the road ahead.
Join us for one more drink for the road, and say goodbye.
Here are some of our favorite talks from the previous camps. Kick back, and find out for yourself what all the fuzz is about!
Due to Carmen and her team's analysis, the percentage of work orders that are out of window could be decreased from 62% to 5% within just one year.
By combining process mining and simulation, Sudhendu developed a “Process Wind Tunnel” framework for improving insurance business processes within AIG.
Boris used process mining to validate and optimize test scenarios during some of the most critical phases of a project — acceptance testing and operational trials.
You can find more talks from all camps here.
“Process mining camp is the place to be for process mining practitioners. The camp enables process mining enthusiasts to share practical experiences and learn best practices. Moreover, it facilitates community building through the unique setup of the camp.”
— Prof. Wil van der Aalst
RWTH Aachen, Germany
“If there is an event you should attend to actually learn about process mining, and how it is making a difference by helping organizations to change and adapt faster, this is the one for which you should save the date.”
— Alberto Manuel
ProcessSphere, Portugal
“Especially as a beginner in the field, I found the camp extremely informative, educational and important for me. It was not easy for me to make the trip, but now, afterward, I feel so good and so happy that I made the effort.”
— Prof. Samuel Itzikowitz
COMAS, Israel
“As the founder of the KNVI Special Interest Group on Process Mining I endorse the sharing of knowledge across the process mining community. In my experience, ‘The Camp’ is the place to be if you want to experience the world-wide application of process mining. It's leading edge, realistic and down to earth. A great way to expand your network — and you just might get that breakthrough you needed for conducting successful process mining projects.”
— Frank van Geffen
Rabobank & KNVI, Netherlands
“In our company we are extremely focused on processes, and we see process mining as a valuable technique to quickly understand how processes are executed in reality. The process mining camps have been very important for us to learn about the possibilities and limitations. Rather than process mining as only a ‘technique’, for us, it's the place to listen to other companies revealing their experience with process mining.”
— Ward Steeman
Volvo, Belgium
“Attending process mining camp was a great opportunity to learn from other process mining practitioners in a relaxed and informal setting. Particularly helpful were presentations and discussions around key process mining challenges, including aligning process mining efforts to organizational culture and obtaining and preparing process data.”
— Mitchell Cunningham
Suncorp, Australia
For this year's camp, we have found the perfect camp site with the Fifth in downtown Eindhoven. Located in the city's former gasworks building, the Fifth is a concert venue, jazz club, restaurant and bar, and a focal point of the annual Dutch Design Week.
While the Fifth is located a stone's throw from the city center, it is tucked away in a post-industrial yard. This gives us the intimacy, peace, and quiet to fully focus on process mining for two full days. With a state of the art projector and audio system, and the Fifth's excellent restaurant and bar, we have all that we need, right there on site.
We will have several comfortable rooms at our disposal, so whether we're listening to talks, having roundtable discussions, workshops, or we're just hanging out for lunch or dinner — we'll be right at home.
Fifth is located in the south of the Eindhoven city center, and it can be reached from Eindhoven Central train station by a 15 minute's walk. If you want to come by car, parking space is available right in front of the building, but limited (please see alternative parking options below).
If you need a recommendation for a place to stay, consider the following options:
In general, any hotel that is in the city center should be fine.
We are Anne, Christian, and Rudi from Fluxicon, and we love process mining. After finishing our PhDs with Wil van der Aalst in Eindhoven, Anne and Christian founded Fluxicon with two goals in mind. For one, we want to build the best process mining software for professionals. At least as important a goal for us is to spread the word about process mining, to build and grow a worldwide process mining community, and to bring this community closer together. In 2017, we found our perfect third team member Rudi.
For us, Process Mining Camp is that dream come to life. Once a year, the whole process mining community is coming together in one place. No academic talks, and no sales show. At camp, we focus squarely and exclusively on the practical application of process mining.
In 2012, more than 70 smart and driven people joined us for the first Process Mining Camp. Since then, we have hosted an ever-growing community of campers in Eindhoven every year. We have experimented with different types of workshops, and we took the camp fully online in 2020, but at its core, camp has always remained the same: A place for process mining enthusiasts to meet, learn from each other, and to shape the future.
This year, we really want to kick things up a notch. We want to make more time for camp, so that we can go deeper, learn more, and really get to know each other. This year's program more interactive and hands-on than ever, so that you can get even more value from your experience.
We think that this year's camp will be really special, and we cannot wait to meet you in Eindhoven! If there is anything we can help you with preparing for camp, just shoot us an email at
We hope to see you at camp soon,
Process Mining Camp 2024 is organized by Fluxicon.