BPM 2009 Conference


Just in case you didn’t know: Next month, from 7 to 10 September, this year’s BPM conference will take place in Ulm, Germany. The BPM conference, in my opinion, is the go-to gathering for business process management in general, and for process intelligence and process mining in particular.

In this year’s conference program I have counted at least six papers directly concerned with process mining, and also the co-located business process intelligence (BPI) workshop, as always, is chock-full of highly interesting contributions from the field. And of course, meeting all the leading BPM researchers is always a thrill.

See you in Ulm!

Christian W. Günther

Christian W. Günther

Product, development, and everything else

Christian creates software which is easy to use, performs great, and is easy on the eyes. He also handles most things design or AV around Fluxicon.