Understanding Complex Development Processes

54:07Recorded on 19 June 2018 at TU Eindhoven

Olga Gazina(Euroclear, Belgium)

Daniel Cathala(Euroclear, Belgium)

As a data analyst at the internal audit department of Euroclear, Olga helped Daniel, an IT Manager, to make his life at the end of the year a bit easier by using process mining to identify key risks.


The fifth talk at Process Mining Camp was given by Olga Gazina and Daniel Cathala from Euroclear. As a data analyst at the internal audit department Olga helped Daniel, IT Manager, to make his life at the end of the year a bit easier by using process mining to identify key risks.

She applied process mining to the process from development to release at the Component and Data Management IT division. It looks like a simple process at first, but Daniel explains that it becomes increasingly complex when considering that multiple configurations and versions are developed, tested and released. It becomes even more complex as the projects affecting these releases are running in parallel. And on top of that, each project often impacts multiple versions and releases.

After Olga obtained the data for this process, she quickly realized that she had many candidates for the caseID, timestamp and activity. She had to find a perspective of the process that was on the right level, so that it could be recognized by the process owners. In her talk she takes us through her journey step by step and shows the challenges she encountered in each iteration. In the end, she was able to find the visualization that was hidden in the minds of the business experts.

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Explore Process Mining Camp 2018

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