Fran Batchelor is a Nursing Informatics Specialist who supports the surgical services at three of UW Health’s hospitals. She used process mining to analyze the flow of urgent and emergent surgical cases added to the schedule.
The first speaker at Process Mining Camp 2018 was Fran Batchelor from UW Health in the United States. Fran is a Nursing Informatics Specialist who supports the surgical services at three of UW Health’s hospitals. She used process mining to analyze the flow of urgent and emergent surgical cases added to the schedule. What did she find?
The operations for most cases are scheduled and planned well in advance. For these patients the room is being prepared and the patient is transported to the room and after the operation the patient is transported to the recovery room. At the hospital they have 27 operation rooms available.
There are other patients that require urgent care, for which additional ‘hold’ rooms are reserved. However, sometimes there are more emergent cases than available operating rooms, such that schedules need to be adjusted. The smooth flow is critical for emergent cases and the challenge is to allocate the operating space for these patients.
At the hospital, two additional operation rooms were to be opened for the emergent cases and a project was started to determine how these rooms could be best allocated. Neurosurgery had made a case for all available new space and was in line to receive it. However, Peripheral Vascular also voiced a need. A team was assembled to provide information regarding the decision making. How many add-on cases are there without a dedicated hold room being available? How are they moving through the process and are they still meeting the internal performance metrics?
From the database the team extracted the data for each step in the process and developed the logic to identify the add-on cases. By visualizing the process using process mining they were able to see how add-on cases behave. They were able to see that 70% of the cases were scheduled and of the 30% unscheduled cases 12% didn’t have dedicated hold rooms.
When looking at the flow of the add-on cases, they realized that not all cases have the same urgency. By giving the cases a priority, they were able to distinguish between the different levels of urgency. Especially when focusing on the emergent cases of Neurosurgery and Peripheral Vascular they found that 43% of the cases that took longer than 1 hour to get to the operating room belonged to the Peripheral Vascular surgery (a higher volume compared to Neurosurgery). So, it was most logical to allocate the additional rooms for both of these procedures.
Process mining reduced the political and emotional components when taking these decisions. By looking at the data and the visualization it was possible to tell the story more easily. Without process mining it would not have been possible to make such a clear-cut case and the decision would have been made differently.
However, it was not easy and took two years to get to this point. First of all, it was a challenge to set up the project and get access to the right data. Secondly, they needed to develop the sponsorship to develop the capability to apply process mining and drive the project.
Fran was able to overcome these hurdles by being persistent, handpicking the right team, selecting a project scope for which the complexity was manageable, and by ensuring that the surgical leadership was involved in leading the project.
Niyi started with process mining on a cold winter morning in January 2017, when he received an email from a colleague telling him about process mining. In his talk, he shared his process mining journey and the five lessons they have learned so far.
Dinesh Das is the Data Science manager in Microsoft’s Core Services Engineering and Operations organization. He sees process mining as a silver bullet to achieve this and he shared his learnings and experiences based on the proof of concept on the global trade process.
Wim is a program manager responsible for improving and controlling the financial function at the City of Amsterdam. He shared the five-step approach they used for introducing process mining.
As a data analyst at the internal audit department of Euroclear, Olga helped Daniel, an IT Manager, to make his life at the end of the year a bit easier by using process mining to identify key risks.
As a Sunday afternoon project, Marc collected data from Jira, a project management software for (agile) software development, to see how process mining could be applied to help the teams learn from each other.
After tackling the inevitable complexity of any healthcare process through a combination of simplification strategies, the team at HULA were able to reveal bottlenecks that, once removed, can lead to a faster cancer diagnosis.
The final speaker at Process Mining Camp 2018 was Wil van der Aalst, the founding father of process mining. In his closing keynote, Wil talked about the updated skill set that process and data scientists need today.
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