Process Mining at TU Eindhoven

37:11Recorded on 4 June 2012 at TU Eindhoven

Wil van der Aalst(TU Eindhoven, Netherlands)

Wil is heading the leading process mining research group at Eindhoven University of Technology. He gives an exclusive overview about the current research in his group.


Wil van der Aalst is the "godfather" of process mining and his research group is leading the way in the process mining area.

He gives us an overview about recent work from his group and about topics on which they are working today.

More from Process Mining Camp 2012


Christian W. Günther (Fluxicon)

The Fluxicon co-founder welcomes the campers with a story about process mining in the 19th century and shares some glimpses of our vision for process mining.

Process Mining at the Rabobank

Frank van Geffen (Rabobank)

Frank tells all about the added value he has found at the Rabobank. He also talks about organizational challenges, like identifying the right people.

Process Mining at Deloitte

Mieke Jans (Deloitte)

Mieke has not only a PhD in process mining, but also lots of experience with auditing projects. She shares the seven steps she is using in her process mining projects in an audit context.

Process Mining at the City of Lausanne

Léonard Studer (City of Lausanne)

Léonard is setting up an internal control system using process mining at the City of Lausanne. He talks about the benefits of process mining in a resource-constrained environment.

Process Mining at the Dutch Tax Office

Wim Leeuwenkamp (Belastingdienst)

Wim shares his experiences from a pilot project in the audit department of the Ministry of Finance in the Netherlands.

Process Mining at AE

Bram Vanschoenwinkel (AE)

Bram is one of the process mining veterans. He shares tips, tricks, problems he encountered, and lessons learned.

Introducing Disco

Anne Rozinat (Fluxicon)

Process mining is an interactive activity. Anne shows us how a typical process mining analysis looks like, live on stage.

Explore Process Mining Camp 2012

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