Join us for our last Process Mining Café before Process Mining Camp and the following summer break this Wednesday!
Together with our guest Fred van Middendorp from Heijmans, Rudi, and I will talk about project vs. process thinking. Project-driven organizations like construction companies approach everything from a project perspective. However, process improvement initiatives require process awareness. How do you deal with this as a process mining practitioner?
Discuss with us this week, Wednesday 18 May, at 16:00 CEST! (Check your timezone here). As always, there is no registration required. Simply point your browser to when it is time. You can watch the café and join the discussion while we are on the air, right there on the café website.
Tune in live for Process Mining Café by visiting this week, Wednesday 18 May, at 16:00 CEST! Add the time to your calendar if you don’t want to miss it. Or sign up for the café mailing list here if you want us to remind you one hour before the session.