This article is part of a collection of process mining examples organized by industry. You can find the full overview here.
When you apply process mining to a healthcare process then everything seems to be very clear: The patient ID should be the case ID, the steps are the diagnosis, treatment, or scheduling activities that took place, and the timestamps are the date and time when the activity happened.
In practice, there are quite some challenges that make things more difficult (like the process complexity that you encounter). At the same time, process mining provides many opportunities for healthcare processes, which explains why there are so many application examples from this space.
David Baltar Boilève from the Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti analyzed bottlenecks in the cancer diagnosis process. They presented their case here and you can find a PDF version here.
Fran Batchelor from UW Health explains how surgical services can be analyzed with process mining. She also shared how she had to unfold data for one of her analyses to get a detailed enough view.
Hilda B. Klasky from Oak Ridge National Laboratory analyzed healthcare data from the Veterans Affairs Corporate Data Warehouse to discover and visualize clinical order processes like the radiology process.
Luise Pufahl from the TU Berlin and Fran Batchelor from UW Health joined our Process Mining Café about healthcare processes.
Dennis Arrindell from Social Insurance Bank of Curaçao shared a case study about Process Mining Obstetrical Care Claims Data.
Miguel Gómez from the healthcare services provider PROA shows in detail how he made the business case for his process mining projects.
Stefan Wick from Universitätshospital Zürich analyzed hospital business units for a reorganization.
Muthuvelan Varadharajulu and Jan van Moll from Philips Healthcare have applied process mining to their quality management processes and extended their analyses with the so-called process capability index (Cpk).
Matthew H. Loxton from WBB contributed a case study that shows how process mining can be used for Quality Improvement. They found opportunities for improvement related to data governance risks, functionality of EHR, and inconsistent use of EHR status and disposition.
Maxime Parres-Albert and Maxime Brochier from GSK Biologicals analyzed the Human Biological Sample Management (HBSM) process for clinical trials with Disco.
Bart van Acker from RadboudUMC saw how process mining helped to bridge the gap between process improvement professionals and the medical staff based on the example of the Intensive care unit and the Head and Neck Care chain.
Earlier case studies show applications at the AMC in Amsterdam, the hospital of So Sebastio in Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, and the General hospital of Chania in Greece.
There is also a MOOC and a book about process mining in healthcare. And take a look at our overview about typical data challenges in this area here.