How To Be A Responsible Process Miner

Imagine you have just put a lot of time into your process mining analysis. You are proud of the results, and you start sharing them within your company. Only to be stopped by the Works Council who puts the brakes on your whole project because they did not hear about this before.

This is a real risk in countries like Germany and Austria, where the Works Council guards the rights of employees and how they can be evaluated by data. However, even if your organization does not have a Works Council, you want to be the person who proactively thinks about privacy, security, and ethics in your process mining project.

A topic like ethics might seem a bit scary and abstract to some of you, but it does not need to be. As we discussed with our guests Dirk Fahland and Felix Mannhardt from TU Eindhoven, ethics is something very concrete. You can distill it down into “doing something in the right way” or “doing a good job”.

How can you do a good job in your own process mining project? In our latest Process Mining Café, Dirk, Felix, and I shared many practical tips that you can start implementing today. We also discussed new research in the area of responsible data science. Watch the recording here if you missed the live broadcast or if you want to re-watch the conversation.

Thanks again to Dirk and Felix and to all of you for joining us!

Here are the links that we mentioned during the session:

Contact us via if you have questions or suggestions anytime.

Anne Rozinat

Anne Rozinat

Market, customers, and everything else

Anne knows how to mine a process like no other. She has conducted a large number of process mining projects with companies such as Philips Healthcare, Océ, ASML, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, and many others.