Get Your Camp T-Shirt

Process Mining Camp 2021

If you’re like us, you surely agree: It wouldn’t be a real Process Mining Camp without the official camp t-shirt to keep us warm. So, once again, starting today you can get your very own camp t-shirt delivered right to your doorstep, just the way you like it.

We have picked some items and colors that we like, but maybe you roll a little differently? No problemo. If you have something more bespoke in mind, you like to dress extra sharp, or you just don’t trust them internet printer people, you can also download the camp logo here and start making your own moonshine merch!

And if you are not signed up already, head on over to the camp website and register now to join us at this year’s camp.

See you around the campfire!

Christian W. Günther

Christian W. Günther

Product, development, and everything else

Christian creates software which is easy to use, performs great, and is easy on the eyes. He also handles most things design or AV around Fluxicon.