To celebrate our brand-new home for camp talks we are releasing the talks from Process Mining Camp 2013 and 2014 for the first time. Grab a snack, sit back, and enjoy the journey through time, back to the early stages of our process mining community from seven years ago!
Mitchell Cunningham at Suncorp: Integrating Process Mining at Australia’s Largest Insurer (Australia)
Mitchell Cunningham is a process analyst with experience across the business process management lifecycle. He has a particular interest in process performance measurement and the integration of process performance data into existing process management methodologies.
Suncorp has an established BPM team and a single claims-processing IT platform. They have been integrating process mining into their process management methodology at a range of points across the process lifecycle. They have also explored connecting process mining results to service process outcome measures, like customer satisfaction. Mitch gives an overview of the key successes, challenges and lessons learned.