Take the Survey, Win that Book, Grab a Ticket


Together with Prof. Wil van der Aalst, Fluxicon is involved in a Master’s project, in which existing, commercial process mining tools are evaluated for different use case scenarios. It is important to consider the context of use for a process mining tool because, for example, an auditor has quite different requirements than a typical process analyst.

Our Master student Irina has compiled a first list of use cases in a survey here. She did a great job in defining a short but comprehensive list of process mining functionalities. But you can help her to rank them in importance and identify missing use cases.

Take the survey!

-> Take the survey here1

Someone’s going to get lucky!

Among all people filling out this survey, we will randomly draw one lucky soul to win a Process Mining Instant Expert Kit, including:

Take the survey now and be a winner!3

Please forward and share this invitation with anyone who could contribute to the survey. Thank you!

  1. Everyone participating in the survey will also receive the results upon request. ↩︎

  2. In case you are wondering: No, Nitro is not part of the evaluation study because we only consider process mining tools that can discover process models. ↩︎

  3. Maybe. Likely! ↩︎

Anne Rozinat

Anne Rozinat

Market, customers, and everything else

Anne knows how to mine a process like no other. She has conducted a large number of process mining projects with companies such as Philips Healthcare, Océ, ASML, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, and many others.